In responding to the Covid-19 Pandemic; CEGOL conducted a number of interventions to counter the spread. These included the door to door awareness sessions in collaboration with Community Health Committees, conducting Covid-19 Community Trigger Sessions as well as running social media campaigns. In the year 2020, we received financial support from the International Republican Institute (IRI) amounting to $4000 to implement the Uniting Youth on Bridging Bridges Initiative. The initiative was youth-led and youth focused response to Covid-19. Through the project, we managed to create digital Covid-19 messages through mediums such as e-flyers, documentary and video-comics. We also managed to build the capacity of the youth on issues pertaining to Covid-19 through online zoom meetings and panel discussions. We facilitated a dialogue session between youth leaders and Blantyre City Health authorities on how we can promote participation of young people in Covid-19 response. Additionally, we held 3 panel discussions involving youth leaders in the Southern African region. Among other key panelists, was the US Ambassador to Malawi – HE Robert Scott.